Saturday, April 10, 2010

You Know How I Know You Are A Dork?

Because I am one too! Here are things that tell me I am a dork...

1. I actually loved writing research papers when I was in school. I would probably have made an excellent lawyer, which was my intended field before marriage, because I love being in the stacks searching for the perfect piece of information.

2. If I had a tv I could probably watch Degrassi for days straight. Canadian teen drama is like crack cocaine.

3. I get nostalgic for things like old school Nickelodeon, old NKOTB (not that new crap) and 80's junk food.

4. Toothpaste For Dinner makes me laugh every time. It is quirky and a bit dark, just like me.

5. I chuckle like a 14 year old boy when I hear words that sound inappropriate. I was reading John the above book and there is a part when the owl is singing to his beloved pussy, I was cracking up and probably traumatized my kid.

6. I can quote CLUE all the way through. It is obnoxious, truly.

7. When songs like Shoop or I Like Big Butts come on, I can't not sing along.

8. I am married to the man in the blanket/hat combo and the crazy woman with screaming is my mother. It is destiny for me to be a dork.
9. I can sing the entire theme song to The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.

10. I get inordinately excited in bookstores, particularly used bookstores. I just cannot prevent myself from buying children's books.
Are you a dork too? I'll bet some of you are.
Happy Saturday!


  1. 2. If I had a tv I could probably watch Degrassi for days straight. Canadian teen drama is like crack cocaine.

    aint that the truth

  2. love I think you are confusing half of these things with being engrossed/growing up in the 1980's!
    Either way you know you can count me in on all of those dork-y tendencies
    (and yes! I own one of those cute stickers that say's "I *heart* dorks"

  3. AWESOME!! :) I am a total dork too then, I think I love all the very same things.
    Yesterday I was reminded that I went to a Vanilla Ice concert~ shhhh, don't tell anyone! :)
    And Friday at work I found big butts on you tube on my cell phone to play for the guys at work and me and one other guy knew all the lyrics! It's awesome to be a dork! :)
    Thanks for sharing!

  4. dorks united! LOL!! I loved it! I used to love writing papers in school too! I sing, "I like big butts" randomly while driving or cleaning. Our kids are going to either love us cause they are dorks too, or be totally embarrassed by us! haha!


  5. There is nothing wrong with knowing the theme to fresh prince! And don't worry we are all dorks too. I spend a few hours a week in a used book store and collect Stephen King books and movies, I'm a total dork :)

  6. I am a total dork then!! haha. i love degrassi and nick shows from when we were growing up are still the best. my friends and i rewatched every are you afraid of the dark episode last year....and we tried to watch more shows, but they moved. BOO i also totally laugh at silly words, and dont understand why others dont. i make that's what she said jokes constantly. i am obsessed with clue and know the words to it as well (and also quote them religiously). i didn't much like frsh prince, but somehow i can still quote the entire theme song. and i could get lost for days in a bookstore and be content. i doubt i would have a thought about much else (such as food). id live in a bookstore if i could!
