Tuesday, November 2, 2010

What Can I Say??

When I started this blog in January, I started it for a lot of reasons. Probably the biggest being that I was looking to make a connection with people. At that time I felt like I was sort of drowning is self doubt and uncertainty. I was really questioning who I was and who I wanted to be. Since then I am amazed at the course my life has taken. I have been reading and talking and discovering, and I have realized who I am and who I am going to be. I have been working at becoming the person that I want, instead of just sitting around and letting life pass me by. I have been taking risks and meeting new people, amazing people who I feel so blessed to have in my life. I feel like I have hoestly been connecting with people and letting them see who I am, flaws and all. I have been taking risks and dreaming bigger dreams, something that I had questioned if I was even capable of doing anymore. I just feel better and happier than I would have ever dreamed possible less than a year ago.
I guess the only downside is that I have been neglecting my blog and the connections that I have made through it. The people that I have met through this blog have inspired me to be strong and keep moving. You showed me that I have worth and that I can be interesting just by being myself. I thank you so much for that.
I have been debating, since at least August, whether to keep this blog alive or not. I think it would be such a shame to let it go. So I am going to keep it, sporadic as the posts may be. I am going to allow myself the freedom to post what I want, when I want. I love reading everyones blogs and even if I never get another comment, it is pretty amazing to have a little time capsule of this journey I am on.
Here are a few pictures of life right now :)
John was a farmer for Halloween, and daddy decided to dress up as a farmer for work that night :) John loved Trick or Treating, particularly saying, "Trick or Treat, Smell My Feet"

 My dad turned 60, so we had a few pictures taken.
You can tell that John just totally adores his Pappy. I asked Josh why he looked so stiff in the pictures and he said, "To be honest, I was just really worried that my shirt was going to get dirty." So typical :) I guess when you don't have much for dry cleaning you have to make sure stuff stays clean.
I guess it's pretty obvious that I adore my dad too. I feel so lucky to call this man my father.

But this is the man who has captured my heart and given me love and life as I know it.


  1. I love you and I'll always be around no matter if you ever blog again.

    I think that feeling has been going around a lot lately and it's something that I think I am going to address (along with honest blogging and etc. Miss Melly Kay and I talked about that via blog comments.

    Anyways- you look gorgeous in the photograph and it was my Dad's birthday this week too!

  2. I'm glad you are here!!
    I love who you are and /i love seeing you evolve!
    :) You are amazing!!
